Understanding Ant Infestations in Edmonton

Ant infestations are a common issue for homeowners in Edmonton, where the climate and urban environment provide an ideal habitat for these persistent pests. Understanding the causes, types of ants, and effective management strategies is crucial for dealing with infestations. … Read More

Mouse-Proof Your House With These Mouse-Control Tips

TOPIC: MOUSE CONTROL EDMONTON As the weather gets colder, mice will start looking for a warm place to nest. If your home is mouse-proof, you won’t have to worry about these pesky critters taking over. Here are a few tips … Read More

Wildlife Control: Small Wildlife Control

Bed bugs (Cimex sp.) are common household pests in Canada and elsewhere. As parasitic insects, they must live near their hosts. Given humans are bed bugs’ hosts, bed bugs live in homes, hotels, and other structures humans are regularly found. Their needs are minimal, requiring only a safe area near their human hosts. Bed bugs quickly move to bite the exposed skin of sleeping humans and then return to their hideout following their blood meal. … Read More

Birds & Bird Control: Pest Library

Bed bugs (Cimex sp.) are common household pests in Canada and elsewhere. As parasitic insects, they must live near their hosts. Given humans are bed bugs’ hosts, bed bugs live in homes, hotels, and other structures humans are regularly found. Their needs are minimal, requiring only a safe area near their human hosts. Bed bugs quickly move to bite the exposed skin of sleeping humans and then return to their hideout following their blood meal. … Read More

Other Insects & Bugs: Pest Library

Bed bugs (Cimex sp.) are common household pests in Canada and elsewhere. As parasitic insects, they must live near their hosts. Given humans are bed bugs’ hosts, bed bugs live in homes, hotels, and other structures humans are regularly found. Their needs are minimal, requiring only a safe area near their human hosts. Bed bugs quickly move to bite the exposed skin of sleeping humans and then return to their hideout following their blood meal. … Read More

All About Mice: Pest Library

More than 100 species of ants are found in Canada. Some of these species are “structure-infesting”, having the ability to reside in and around your home. The most common species of structure-infesting ants in Canada are carpenter ant, odorous house ant, pavement ant, Argentine ant, pharaoh ant, acrobat ant, and thief ant.… Read More

All About Cockroaches: Pest Library

More than 100 species of ants are found in Canada. Some of these species are “structure-infesting”, having the ability to reside in and around your home. The most common species of structure-infesting ants in Canada are carpenter ant, odorous house ant, pavement ant, Argentine ant, pharaoh ant, acrobat ant, and thief ant.… Read More

All About Bed Bugs: Pest Library

Bed bugs (Cimex sp.) are common household pests in Canada and elsewhere. As parasitic insects, they must live near their hosts. Given humans are bed bugs’ hosts, bed bugs live in homes, hotels, and other structures humans are regularly found. Their needs are minimal, requiring only a safe area near their human hosts. Bed bugs quickly move to bite the exposed skin of sleeping humans and then return to their hideout following their blood meal. … Read More

All About Wasps: Pest Library

More than 100 species of ants are found in Canada. Some of these species are “structure-infesting”, having the ability to reside in and around your home. The most common species of structure-infesting ants in Canada are carpenter ant, odorous house ant, pavement ant, Argentine ant, pharaoh ant, acrobat ant, and thief ant.… Read More

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