Birds & Bird Control: Pest Library

Bed bugs (Cimex sp.) are common household pests in Canada and elsewhere. As parasitic insects, they must live near their hosts. Given humans are bed bugs’ hosts, bed bugs live in homes, hotels, and other structures humans are regularly found. Their needs are minimal, requiring only a safe area near their human hosts. Bed bugs quickly move to bite the exposed skin of sleeping humans and then return to their hideout following their blood meal. … Read More


Gulls can be a nuisance in coastal areas, particularly at dump sites, piers and harbors. Flocks of Gulls often create hazardous conditions to low flying aircraft. Large buildup of droppings will lead to structural damage from the uric acid. Boats, … Read More

House Sparrows

Sparrows can be aggressive birds that force out other birds from their territories. Because they are flocking birds, sparrows can gather in the thousands to take over feeding and roosting areas. A  few house sparrows can quickly turn into a … Read More


Pigeons, also known as Rock Doves, are monogamous and will lay one to two eggs which hatch within eighteen days. Pigeons are filthy birds, causing disease and damage. Pigeons may carry diseases such as cryptococcosis, toxoplasmosis, salmonella, food poisoning, and … Read More

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