Wildlife Control: Small Wildlife Control

Bed bugs (Cimex sp.) are common household pests in Canada and elsewhere. As parasitic insects, they must live near their hosts. Given humans are bed bugs’ hosts, bed bugs live in homes, hotels, and other structures humans are regularly found. Their needs are minimal, requiring only a safe area near their human hosts. Bed bugs quickly move to bite the exposed skin of sleeping humans and then return to their hideout following their blood meal. … Read More

Racoons & Skunks

Raccoons in general are major hosts of rabies. Skunks readily adapt to the urban environment and their offensive odor and habit of digging holes in lawns in search of insect larvae, make it an unwelcome urban resident. Call Major Pest … Read More

Squirrels & Gophers

Often referred to as nuisance wildlife, squirrels present their own unique set of dangers when it comes to their interaction with humans as they can become aggressive when they feel frightened or threatened. During cold months  homes become an ideal … Read More


Bats are protected by law. Homeowners should contact a licensed pest professional if an active bat infestation is suspected, as the problem often  can not be controlled with do-it-yourself measures. Call Major Pest Control Exterminator Edmonton.

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