Will Bed Bugs Travel from Room to Room?

Will Bed Bugs Travel from Room to Room In Edmonton?

Bed Bugs | Will Bed Bugs Travel from Room to Room In Your Home?

One of the most common complaint that local exterminator and pest management company, Major Pest Control hears from their customers is that they have a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs, those pesky little insects that infest our beds and disrupt our sleep, have long been a source of concern for homeowners and travelers alike. One common question that often arises is whether these resilient creatures have the ability to travel from room to room within a house or hotel. In this article, we will delve into the misunderstood world of bed bugs and explore the truth behind this myth.

Understanding Bed Bug Behavior

Before discussing their ability to travel, it is essential to understand the nature of these pests. They feed exclusively on the blood of humans and animals, with a definite preference for human blood. They are nocturnal in nature, seeking out warm-blooded hosts during the night for a meal, drawn to the carbon dioxide expelled during sleep. Bed bugs are commonly associated with beds but that’s because they are most likely to feed while their hosts are asleep, and therefore in bed. However, people should take note, that hungry bed bugs will also infest other areas where people spend extended periods, such as sofas, chairs, and even clothing.

Bed Bugs Cannot Fly

The notion that bed bugs freely travel to infest an entire house quickly is persistent belief. However, they are less mobile than many people believe. The truth is these tiny, flat bugs cannot fly, despite the mature adult bugs having a full set of wings, as the wings are effectively useless. Nor can they jump like fleas, and are generally slow-moving insects that must crawl to get around. Consequently, their ability to travel from room to room is quite limited by these physical limitations. However, when faced with needing to find a food source, these pests are persistent and resilient. 

Physical Limitations of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have a relatively short lifespan of around four to six months explains the experts at Major Pest Control. During this time, they undergo several molting stages, shedding their exoskeletons as they grow. Although adult bed bugs have fully developed wings, they are functionally useless, rendering them incapable of flying or sustained jumping. Instead, they rely on their six legs to crawl and maneuver.

Despite their short lifespan, they can live about four months in between feedings, and reach sexual maturity at six weeks, with a female producing anywhere between one to seven eggs per day for 10 days after feeding. Because they are tiny, primarily nocturnal and persistent procreators, that’s why an infestation grows out of control so quickly despite their short lifespan.

Bed Bug Hitchhiking Behavior

While bed bugs may not have the inherent ability to move swiftly between rooms, they are often inadvertently be transported by humans. Bed bugs are expert hitchhikers and can cling to clothing, luggage, or other personal belongings. This means that if an individual unknowingly carries a bed bug or its eggs into a different room, the infestation may spread. A couple common ways that humans inadvertently spread the bugs throughout their home is while they are doing laundry.

If they are unaware that bed bugs or eggs are currently on the bedding, the act of stripping the bed, and taking the sheets to the laundry, causes the bugs and eggs to become scattered throughout the home. And second, as people vacuum, bugs are pulled into the vacuum filter, and stick to the bristles of the vacuum, which is then used in other rooms before putting the vacuum away in another room, spreading the pests as they go.

Bed Bug Infestation Spreading Factors

Many things will help a bed bug infestation to spread:

  • Room Neighbours: Rooms with shared walls will eventually share an infestation, as bed bugs can make their way through cracks in the wall, and electrical outlets, attracted to the carbon dioxide people breathe out while sleeping.
  • Communal Items: Furniture used by more than one person, like couches, or items that often move from one room to another, like laundry will lead to spreading bed bugs around a home.
  • Large Buildings: Condos, apartments even hotels and motels, bed bugs can travel by crawling through walls, ceilings, or pipes, infesting neighbouring rooms and even other floors.

Preventing and Managing Bed Bug Infestations

Being proactive will prevent bed bugs moving from one room to another.

Regular Inspections: Conduct thorough inspections of mattresses, bed frames, furniture, and other potential hiding places. Look for signs of bed bug activity, such as dark spots (fecal stains), shed skins, or bloodstains.

Isolate the Infestation: If an infestation is found, clean thoroughly, seal any cracks or crevices in the room, and put beg bug proof covers on the mattress and box spring.

Professional Treatment: Engage the services of a professional pest control company experienced in bed bug eradication. They can employ effective treatment methods such as heat treatment, insecticide application, or steam cleaning.

Vigilance During Travel: When staying in hotels or other accommodation, conduct a quick inspection of the room for signs of bed bugs. Keep luggage elevated and away from the bed and carpet, even placing it in a garbage bag, or keeping it in the bathroom, and launder clothing immediately upon returning home.

Be Careful When Dealing With Bed Bugs

Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs themselves are not able to easily travel from one room to another. However, their hitchhiking behavior, human movements and activities, as well as environmental factors contribute to the spread of infestations. By remaining vigilant, implementing preventive measures, and seeking professional assistance when necessary, it is possible to minimize the risk of bed bug infestations spreading from room to room and keep these unwanted guests at bay. If you have any more questions about these pests, or think you may have an infestation, the experts at Major Pest Control would love to help you!